'The key to our success rests in people like you,
who embody the spirit of greatness by saying,
“Yes I can, and so can you!”
Thanks for your inspiring dedication
and tremendous example to the world.'
-Author Unknown
Current OMG Happenings
Saturday, April 20th is WGASC Championships. It truly is an honor to be the chosen school for this event and the money we earn through concessions and ticketing benefits ALL of our OMG programs (Orchestra, Band and Color Guard)!
We need YOU to help run the event.
Our Color Guard team will likely be performing at another location in the evening if they make finals, which they are on track to do! That means we will need extra people especially in the afternoon and evening.
Again, we are asking that each family donates 1 case (2 12-packs) of soda, as well as 1 package or batch of Baked Goods individually wrapped.
List for Drink donations by last name:
Please bring to M-1 by Thursday, April 18.
A-E: Dr. Pepper
F-K: Sprite/Squirt
L-N: Coke/Pepsi
O-S: Arizona Fruit Teas
T-Z: Root Beer
All of our programs have events coming up and we always need volunteers! Every moment of time, every item, and every dollar donated, makes our programs better! Click the link below to see our upcoming Drumline, Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, and Color Guard events and find out how you can help!
OMG meetings for the rest of the year:
May 1- Wednesday, Austin present
June 6- Thursday, Banquet, Senior Center
At our May 1st OMG Meeting we will be voting in our nominees for the 2024-2025 OMG Board. Do you like to plan events? We are still looking for Tournament Chairpersons for Band Champs in the Fall and Color Guard Tournaments in the Spring. If you are interested in helping next school year, please contact Heather Lopez, our current Parliamentarian, at hblopez6@gmail.com if you would like to get involved.
Julie Mitchell- nominated to be OMG Secretary
Linda Farrow- nominated to be OMG Parliamentarian
Spring donations are due! Please pay your donations for Drumline, Wind Ensemble, Winter Guard and Jazz Band. It pays for the Specialists, costumes, props, and equipment. It is tax deductible. Click below to make your family donation today! Thank you for your support!!
We are looking for photos to add to a slideshow for the Year End Banquet. Please click "Photos" below to upload any photos/videos you wish to share.
Wind Ensemble/Drumline/Jazz Band
Schedule and Updates
Band Schedule - 4/15-20
Monday, Apr 15th
Drumline 2 - 4:30pm
AP Music Theory 4:45 - 6:00pm
Jazz Lab Band 6:00 - 8:00pm
Wednesday, Apr 17th
Wind Ensemble 1:41 - 3:22pm
AP Music Theory 3:30 - 4:45pm
Jazz Big Band 5:00 - 7:00pm
Friday, Apr 19th
Wind Ensemble 1:41 - 3:22pm
Wind Ensemble Clinic 3:30 - 4:30pm
Help setting up gym for Color Guard Comp 4:30 - 5:30pm
Drumline 4:00 - 7:00pm
Saturday, Apr 20th Color Guard Champs!
Sign up for at least one shift. Tentative shift schedule:
6:30am - 12:30am
12pm - 6:00pm
5:30pm - 11:00pm
Upcoming Events
April 19th - Wind Ensemble Clinic Day (Students will be in Wind Ensemble rehearsal until 4:30 this day)
April 20th - WGASC Champs- Hosted at HBHS
April 27th - Drumline Champs
April 29th - Drumline/Color Guard Showcase
May 3rd - HBUHSD District Jazz Fest
Full schedule: https://www.oilermusicguild.org/events
Additional Notes for Parents/Students
-This coming Friday we have the awesome privilege of having Jermie Arnold, the Director of Bands at CSULB, come and give our Wind Ensemble a clinic on Friday afternoon. We will also need to set up for the Color Guard Competition the following day, so students should expect to be at school until about 5:30pm on Friday if they are not in drumline.
-Please sign-up to help at this Saturday’s Competition we are hosting at HBHS! It’s WGASC Championships and the proceeds benefit the entire program. Students are expected to sign up during the week and pick at least one shift listed above.