APA Orchestra Schedule and Updates
I hope everyone did well on their finals and I hope you enjoy your Monday off! You deserve it!
We're back to regularly scheduled classes this week with some exciting stuff just around the corner!
OMG Bylaws Update!
Only one more week to go over our Bylaw revisions. If you have anything you'd like to discuss, please be prepared to do so at our next OMG Meeting.
Our Oiler Music Guild Bylaws (nonprofit rules/guidelines) have gone through a bit of an upgrade and revision. We have corrected some info regarding program directors and added info regarding video meetings.
We will be discussing and voting on the change at the February 6th meeting.
Click below to see the OMG Bylaw revisions.
OMG Needs You!
How can you help?
OMG Annual Banquet Planning - help plan our Awards Banquet!
We are currently trying to come up with catering options for the Banquet,
let us know if you know of a good catering company/restaurant that would be reasonably priced to feed about 200 people.
OMG 25/26 Board Nominating Committee - help find volunteers for next year's OMG Board!
Tuesday, January 28th
We we're unable to get enough sign ups for Saturday, so this has been rescheduled for Tuesday. Please HELP!!!!!
We have our new uniforms, so the LAST TIME the Marching Band will wear the white uniforms is for Picture Day on 2/3. This means all of the white uniforms need to be washed before then. Even our extra uniforms will be washed to get ready to sell them! So, this time we'll have teams of 2 or 3 people take 20-30 uniforms to laundromats for washing. This will be much quicker and more efficient. Cleaning instructions will be included.
Connect to our OMG Google Calendar to keep up to date with program-wide happenings and events! Click the link below and subscribe to OMG Calendar! Check out the program sections below to add those calendars also! Our calendars are also available on our website. Register as a Member at www.oilermusicguild.org so you don't miss any updates!
Looking ahead-
Monday, Feb 3rd - Marching Band & Color Guard Picture Day
Mar 1st- APA Orchestra Auditions
Being on the board is a great opportunity to get involved and help all these talented students. If you know someone who would be a good fit, or if you want to be more involved in nominations, please reach out to our Parliamentarian, Linda Farrow.
OMG Banquet: We are looking for catering company. Please contact Cielito at hbomg.president@gmail.com
Current OMG Happenings
Upcoming/Current Fundraisers:
March 29th- WGASC Color Guard Competition: Please plan on helping that day.
April 12th- WGASC Color Guard Championships: Please plan on helping that day.
Upcoming OMG Meetings-
7pm in M1 or via Zoom
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Thursday, May 8, 2025
Thursday, June 5, 2025 - OMG Banquet
Looking Back-
Post all of your OMG fun photos, award photos, and event photos on our share site! And download photos and videos of your kids! Check out our Shared Google Photo Folder here!
You make OMG better!
Every time you help,
every moment of time,
every item,
and every dollar donated,
makes our programs better!
And the best part is getting to spend time
with the best kids in Huntington Beach!!
Thank you for all you do!
Click the link below to see our upcoming Marching Band, Orchestra, and Color Guard events and find out how you can help!
APA Orchestra Schedule and Updates
APA Orchestra Schedule 1/27 - 1/31 -
Tuesday, January 28th:
PIANO CLASSES (with Mr. Meyers)
2:00-3:30 p.m.
Adv. Honors Piano
3:45-5:15 p.m.
Pianos B
2:30-4:00 p.m.
APA Wind Orchestra (with Mr. Myers)
4:15-4:45 p.m.
String Sectionals (with Mr. Pham)
4:55 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
APA Festival Orchestra (with Mr. Bement)
Thursday, January 30th:
PIANO CLASSES (with Mr. Meyers)
2:00-3:30 p.m.
Adv. Honors Piano
3:45-5:15 p.m.
Pianos B
2:30-4:00 p.m.
APA Wind Orchestra (with Mr. Myers)
4:15-5:30 p.m.
String Class (with Mr. Pham)
Friday, January 31st:
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Pit Orchestra Rehearsal (First reading, Crazy for You) (with Mr. Bement)
Upcoming Events-
January 28th: Spring Semester Classes/Rehearsals begin
Late February: Tentative date for Orchestra Camp
March 6th: RCC Orchestra Festival
March 17th-20th: Crazy for You Tech Week
Additional Notes for Parents and Students-
- This schedule will remain in place for the entire spring semester, except in specific cases when we have a modified rehearsal or bell schedule. This has been adjusted both to maximize rehearsal time with our quickly-approaching festival performance on March 6th for the Festival Orchestra, as well as to continue to shift towards a standard schedule with the Block schedule course length.
- In addition, Pit Orchestra rehearsals will begin this week! Pit orchestra will primarily rehearse on Friday evenings (after Drumline) and on several Saturdays that will be sent out this week with the orchestra selections. We received the music in the mail, and it’s looking like it will be an exciting show!
- Do you have siblings or friends interested in joining APA Orchestra? Click here for APA Application. See below for APA Orchestra Workshop Flyer.
- Orchestra Handbook: 2024/25 Handbook
- Click below to access the APA Orchestra Google Calendar!