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APA Orchestra Updates and Schedule - Week of 8/26

The start of the school year means lots of events and activities coming up! Make sure you're registered as a Member at so you don't miss any updates!


Friday, August 30th will be our first uniformed football game for HBHS. HB Oiler Football is playing Trabuco Hills High School at 7pm in Shue field (HBHS Stadium).


We need your help with uniforms, hair, and concessions!

Many hands make light work. Let's start off this year right.  

 Please click on the following link to sign up.  


See you there… Go Oilers! 

There will always be events coming up

and we always need volunteers!

Every time you help,

every moment of time,

every item,

and every dollar donated,

makes our programs better!

And the best part is getting to spend time

with the best kids in Huntington Beach!!


Click the link below to see our upcoming Marching Band, Orchestra, and Color Guard events and find out how you can help!

Connect to our OMG Google Calendar to keep up to date with program-wide happenings and events! Click the link below and subscribe to OMG Calendar! Check out the program sections below to add those calendars also! Our calendars are also available on our website.

Do you like being in charge? Are you good at planning large events? We know some of you are!! This fall we would like to have a Chairperson for every event so the pressure doesn't fall on our already overworked Board Members! We need Tournament Chairpersons for Band Champs in the Fall and Color Guard Tournaments in the Spring, as well as Chairpersons for Sounds of the Season, Travel Organizer, Communication, Website, etc. Don’t worry, you’ll have a whole team of people to help you! We really need someone who is organized, that likes project management, to keep things on track. We know you’re out there! Email our OMG President at for more info.

  • Current OMG Happenings


  • August 28th - First Day of School!

  • August 31st @ 11:30am - OMG Family Picnic at Lake Park

  • OMG Meetings - Fall

    • Monday, August 26 @ 7:15pm - First OMG Meeting after APA Back to School.

APA Orchestra

Schedule 8/26 - 31

  • Monday, August 26th:

    • APA Back to School Night- Parent Meeting- 5:30pm-7:30pm

    • First Oiler Music Guild Meeting- Immediately following APA Back to School Night

  • Wednesday, August 28:

    • First Day of Classes for HBUHSD Students

    • APA Orientation - Freshman and Seniors. 1-4pm in the auditorium. Or after your last class. APA classes (not Orchestra) during periods 1-6 meet.

  • Thursday, August 29:

    • APA Orientation - Sophomores and Juniors. 1-4pm in the auditorium. Or after your last class.

  • Saturday, August 31:

    • OMG Family Picnic

  • Tuesday, September 3:

    • First Day of APA Orchestra

Upcoming Events-

  • August 28th - First day of HBHS Classes

  • September 2nd - LABOR DAY HOLIDAY (NO SCHOOL)

  • September 3rd - First day of APA Classes and Chair Placement Auditions Day #1

  • September 5th - Chair Placement Auditions Day #2

  • APA Walk for the Arts- Donation Envelopes should have been received via mail. If you didn't get one, you can pick one up in the APA Office! Walk for the Arts event- October 4th

  • Fall Musical- Les Miserables- 10/11-13, 10/18-20

Additional Notes for Parents/Students-


- We are so excited to meet all of our new APA families on Monday!

- Support your fellow APA members and get your tickets to the first APA show of the year! The 39 Steps Tickets

- Click below to access the APA Orchestra Google Calendar!

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